Who is JadedTwin? An FAQ

What's in a name?

I have gone by many names, but primarily my legal name Emily and my online handle/gamertag/hacker name/etc JadedTwin (or Jaded_Twin or Jaded Twin or jadedtwin or....). Both of these monikers are so interchangable to me that they might as well be the same noise flaps people direct at me to gain my attention. I got the name JadedTwin in true hacker form as it was given to me by someone else. I played a game called Dragon Spires as a young meat-sack and went by the name Gemini cause it sounded cool to my still forming brain goo. At some point (I honestly don't remember when) there was a big server wipe and reset for all accounts which meant everyone had to recreate their accounts from scratch. Someone ended up beating me to the punch on Gemini after the big reset and so my at the time step-uncle who also played the game with me (he was 4 years older that I....it's complicated) gave me the name Jaded_Twin (spaces weren't supported in character names). The "twin" part is obvious. "Jaded" stemmed from "jade" as I tended to make my armor green in the game (and also cause he was an edgey teen at the time and "Jaded" sounds like bad ass and stuff, man. Like world weary bruh). Since then the name has followed me everywhere. If you see that name, 100% that's me. (Until I get famous enough for that to be an issue xD)

Who am I?

I'm a trans woman (she/her) and hella autistic cyberpunk and covered in tattoos. I'm married to my best friend (they/them). I was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. Politically I lean more towards anarchism than anything else, but I find current political labels extremely limiting and favor the owning class's agenda over the working class. I'm old enough to have greys, but young enough to be vain about them. I speak English and German (tldr; it's hella complicated, just know I'm a Hungarian-American (Orbán can go rot) who happened to grow up speaking German and I also briefly studied in Berlin). I have studied various other languages including Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, Japanese, Chinook Wawa, American Sign Language, and Spanish.

What do I do?

I am primarily an artist by trade at this point. I do a bit of a lot of different kinds of art such as photography, pixel art, digital art, mixed media painting, glitch art (Wanna learn how to make glitch art?) and mandalas with pen and paper. For a living I do lots of freelance work including product photography, video game assets, pixel art fonts, and pixel art commissions as well as sell stickers (I have a tutorial on how to make stickers) and art prints here at jadedtwin.com and here at my Kofi. In the past I had earned a degree in Computer Networking that I never used and for a time worked alongside the language department of my local college as I worked towards a second career in linguistics (which I have also abandoned, though only acedemically). Those are still passionate pursuits of mine, but more hobbies as of late rather than how I earn my bread.

Speaking of hobbies! I have recently been taken by the aquarium demon and maintain several aquariums and an outdoor pond. I keep blogs about some of them here: Cortex Shrimplant: An Aquarium and here: SeaLab2024: Another Aquarium (A third about a blackwater tank will be made sometime soonish). I also 3D print (Elegoo Mars 3) and paint minifigs for Dungeons and Dragons as well as Warhammer40k (Deathguard, and don't ask me how to play 40K, I just think they look neat). I also enjoy watching movies, TV, and playing teh vidya gaemz. I also go hiking pretty regularly whereever I can.

My Works:

You shoot digital photography, raw or .jpg?

Raw for life.

Film photography?

I appreciate that you think I'm a wealthy billionaire :D


A note on my reference to being an ex-hacker (specifically on my Mastodon account), because I get asked that every once in a while. As mentioned above, I have a degree in computer networking. I had a class as part of that program dedicated to breaking into systems and building defenses against those attacks. First, why "hacker": this part is fairly straightforward. Used to be grey-hat in my teens and early 20s, I might or might not have broken into systems because I could (won't say which, ever, so don't ask). I have also been known to bodge fun electronics together (eg. I've made a couple cyberdecks in the past). Up until a career change I was becoming more white-hat than grey (lost all them "I can do anything teenage hormones" lol). Now the "ex" part: a career change! I went back to school to teach German as a second language. Since then (~2015) I haven't done much in the way of coding and pretty much stopped caring about seeing what I could do with a database. I still futz with tech and whatnot, but nothing I would call noteworthy hacking or bodging. I'm more interested in my art and linguistic journeys than the less than legal life I left behind. Tho, hacking is a mindset rather than an activity, so I'll let you judge whether or not I am or am not a hacker ;)

What OS do you use?

My primary computer is running CachyOS, an Arch based Linux distro. Pretty much everything else is running Debian. Why? because I don't mind micromanaging my main PC and accidentally borking it (tho, I do value some ease of use, thus the fork and not "pure" Arch), but anything my non-techie husband might have to interact with needs to be actually stable with lots of documentation online. I'm sure you're "um-aktually-ing" me right now. If you are, maybe try letting people be "wrong"?

Top (loosely) 10s (order isn't super important...items subject to change):